Carismed—CApitalisation for Resetting Innovation and Sustainability in MED-Cities—is a 24 month-long project co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Program.
Carismed aims to develop an integrated urban policy to improve the sustainability of old buildings within Mediterranean city centers by promoting synergies between projects launched under the @enicbcmed program through the capitalization of circular economy and creative approaches to achieve a better quality of life in urban areas.

8 partners from 6 countries of the Mediterranean area are collaborating to implement the project:
- Birzeit, Palestine: The, the lead partner
- Attiki, Greece: The Technical University of Athens (NTUA) & and the Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)
- Murcia, Spain: The Business Innovation Centre of Murcia (CEEIM)
- Palermo, Italy: The Center for Social and Economic Research in Southern Italy (CRESM) & The National Research Council of Italy—Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean (CNR-ISMed)
- Amman, Jordan: Future Pioneers for Empowering Communities’ Members in the Environmental and Educational Fields (FPEC)
- Tunis, Tunisia: @collectif_creatif_tunis

The main expected achievements of the project are:
- At least 8 SMEs of CCI participating in awareness and training activities.
- 8 underutilized or abandoned urban stocks refurbished as a creative studio/lab.
- 40 SMES will upgrade their capacities benefiting from workshops.
- Toolkits and advisory guides published on upcycling buildings and areas.
- Total Budget: 1.1 M €
- Total ENI CBC MED Funding: 1 M €
- Project Co-Financing: 10 %